Naoki Uchiyama
Documentary Filmmaker based in Tokyo
Naoki directs films about Social Issues, Human Interest, and Arts & Culture.
In 2014, I won Japan’s most prestigious documentary award for my film of secret story among Japanese immigrants in Brazil.
I continues to depict drama unfolding in the abyss of society, such as the Chinese mafia who survive in the Japanese underworld.
Furthermore, I also conducts activities to connect documentaries with society, such as hosting a documentary festival every year in Tokyo.
Co-representative of documentary media "DocuMeme" in Tokyo.
1982年、東京都足立区生まれ。NHK・YAHOO・BBCなどで、アフリカや南米、戦争証言などのドキュメンタリー番組を多数制作。 「遠い祖国 ブラジル日系人抗争の真実」でギャラクシー賞優秀賞。コロナ禍の東京を描いた「東京リトルネロ」で、貧困ジャーナリズム賞、ATP賞、ギャラクシー賞奨励賞を受賞。
2021年8月「リトルネロ フィルムズ合同会社」設立。